Type |
Description |
Document Link |
CS01 |
Confirmation statement with updates submitted on 2024-11-18
(5 Pages) |
AD01 |
Change registered office address company with date old address new address submitted on 2024-11-18
(1 Pages) |
PSC01 |
Notification of a person with significant control submitted on 2024-11-18
(2 Pages) |
AD01 |
Change registered office address company with date old address new address submitted on 2024-11-04
(1 Pages) |
CH01 |
Change person director company with change date submitted on 2024-04-30
(2 Pages) |
AP01 |
Appoint person director company with name date submitted on 2024-04-30
(2 Pages) |
Incorporation company submitted on 2024-01-01
(10 Pages) |